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#+-| FILTER |-----------------------------------------+#######################
#| +--------+ The FILTER clause of the GET subcommand |#######################
#|            filters each key as it is input         |#######################
#+--| Syntax |------------------------------------------------------+#########
#|     @<Int-exp,Int-exp> GET <C-exp> [PICTURE <C-exp>              |#########
#|     || FUNCTION <C-exp>] [VALID <L-exp>] [FILTER <Uint-exp>]     |#########
#|     [ ID <Uint-exp> ]                                            |#########
#######+---| Description |--------------------------------------------+#######
#######| The FILTER clause of the GET subcommand filters each key as  |#######
#######| it is input.  The FILTER clause specifies a UINT expression  |#######
#######| that is evaluated for every key pressed. The UINT expression |#######
#######| may be a function.  Filters increase control over GET input. |#######
#######| The FILTER can be used to:                                   |#######
#######|                                                              |#######
#######|     *  program special keys.                                 |#######
#######|     *  trap defined keys by stuffing the keyboard.           |#######
#######|     *  implement context-sensitive help.                     |#######
#######|     *  implement user-defined templates.                     |#######
#######|                                                              |#######
#######| If a filter function is specified with the GET, e.g.,        |#######
#######|                                                              |#######
#######|        @ x,y GET a FILTER my_filter_function()               |#######
#######|                                                              |#######
#######|  Then the function must return a key to the READ.  A filter  |#######
#######|  function returning 0 tells the READ to ignore the key and   |#######
#######|  to get another keystroke.                                   |#######
#####+----------------------------| NOTE: |-----------------------------+#####
#####| If a variable used in a GET subcommand is a local variable, then |#####
#####|     you must be sure the READ command is activated within the    |#####
#####|                    scope of the local variable.                  |#####
#########+--| Example 1 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    A GET may specify a keyboard filter routine.        |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| @ row()+1,col() GET nm->first FILTER help()              |#########

See Also: @...GET READ
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson